Children who have Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, are born prematurely or have fetal alcohol syndrome are at high risk for poor motor development. It is important for these kids to receive occupational therapy early on. The need for occupational therapy jobs in Los Angeles is on the rise. Research shows that 7% of children age 5-17 and 0.4% of children younger than 5 years old suffer from disabilities.

Working on motor skills is essential. They are able to connect with parents, siblings, and peers in a fun and engaging way. Participating in these activities also decreases the chance of obesity in these children.

Research shows that children who spend their time outdoors are better with interpersonal relationships. They also display less aggression.

Occupational therapy jobs Los Angeles

Prioritize Outdoor Play

Set aside at least three hours of outdoor play a day for your child. National statistics reveal that many American children sit for multiple hours a day when sitting on the drive to school and while in school. Children need to spend time outdoors to counter-act the sitting time in school.

Some people might think sports are a go-to option for play, but the reality is that kids spend a majority of the time standing still or running in straight lines. Kids exert the most energy at a playground or park. The playground offers a variety of exercise with equipment like the monkey bars, slides, swing set, and spring riders while the park has an immense amount of room for play.

About Occupational Therapy Solutions Los Angeles:

Occupational therapy jobs Los Angeles, offered by LA Speech Therapy Solutions look for experience and care above all. Occupational Therapists work with children who have often have special needs and a certain level of precision and care is required. Occupational therapy jobs Los Angeles might be for you if you would like to make a difference in a child’s life. To learn more about prioritizing play in a child’s life, please visit our website and follow us on Facebook.