Pediatric occupational therapy Los Angeles recommend these tips in order to improve your child’s daily function and quality of life.  

Having access to pediatric occupational therapy Los Angeles is sometimes not easily available. Parents with children with ADHD or other developmental delays especially look for this service and cannot often find it easily. This is due to location, cost and lack of school services. However, these 5 at home exercises gives parents without accessibility to occupational therapy’s building blocks. These blocks help encourage independence, build executive functions and improve social performance.

  1. Use Graphics to Avoid Overload

Starting a multi-layered project can be a daunting task for anybody. It’s especially daunting for a child with ADHD. Not knowing where to start overloads the child to the point that they can just shut down. In order to avoid this behavior, break the task into smaller manageable tasks by using graphics. A drawn-out layout of the space pinpointing the areas to be tackled first is a helpful tool. This gives direction to your child of what needs to be done in order to complete the overall task.

pediatric occupational therapy los angeles
  1. Use Rubrics and Set Clear Expectations and Guidelines

Children with ADHD thrive in an environment where they know exactly what is expected of them. Download rubrics online or create your own to give to your child with clear expectations of what you want from them. Your child can reference this handout before completing a task. This helps clear confusion, practice being independent and helps plan out what they need to succeed.

  1. For Healthier Reaction Establish Calm Down Zones

It’s normal for children with ADHD, learning disabilities or sensory challenges to have meltdowns. This is especially true when faced with challenging tasks or unclear expectations. Designating a place where they can just cool off is extremely helpful in avoiding disastrous meltdowns. Stock an area in your house with comforting items such as a fuzzy blanket and a box of fidgets. This area will become a zone where they can regroup. They can fully experience their emotions and find a place where they can learn to self soothe.

pediatric occupational therapy los angeles
  1. Decrease Distractions by using ADHD-Specific Tricks

A useful tip you can use to get your child to focus on their homework assignments is using colored paper instead of normal white paper. The ADHD brain can get overstimulated by black and white worksheets. By simply reprinting the assignment on light blue or green you can help your child better focus on their work.

  1. Use Mindfulness to Help Ground the ADHD Brain

Our bodies are used to following routines but for children with ADHD, the natural tendency to follow routine can increase impulsive behaviors. It can even raise their anxiety levels. Teaching your child to practice “grounding” reduces the feeling of being out of control and helps increase productivity. To practice “grounding,” ask your child to take a few deep breaths. After you get your child to focus on breathing, ask your child to identify a blue object in the room. Then a red one; then a green one. This helps your child focus their attention away from their stressors.  

Pediatric occupational therapy Los Angeles is a great way to help aid your children with their developmental skills.

About Occupational Therapy Solutions Los Angeles:

Pediatric occupational therapy Los Angeles by Occupational Therapy Solutions has provided families with excellent clinical service for over twenty years. We provide useful tools to correct and prevent developmental delays in children. Contact us with any questions and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about our services.