Autism feeding therapy is one of the most highly sought services.

Unless you have a child or know someone with a child with autism, you don’t really know the struggle when it comes to feeding and mealtimes. Children, in general, tend to be picky eaters. However, children with autism are more particular when it comes to what they eat. It is important to every child has a nourishing and well-balanced meal. Our office, which provides autism feeding therapy, is sharing 4 tips to help with feeding your child. 

1. Rule Out Allergies

The first thing you want to do is rule out any allergies that may be present in your child. This could mean gluten, dairy, or even nut allergies. You want to make sure that the food your child is refusing to eat is not because it is causing them harm or discomfort.

2. Gradual Exposure

autism feeding therapy

If you are trying to get your child to eat more nutrients, the best way is to get them to eat fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods. However, it is not easy to get them to eat these items. Children with autism are more likely to have particularly strong reactions to foods with a strange appearance or colors. It is a real fear for some of them and it is important to acknowledge them. Gradually exposing children to these items in small amounts can help them through this. Patience and understanding are key.

3. Set Meal Times

autism feeding therapy

Children with autism most often need a routine and a set schedule. The same goes for their mealtime. Always have a set mealtime for your child and stick to it. Try to eliminate any snacks or foods in between meal times. This will allow your child to be hungrier and more prone to eat during their mealtime. This means their body will adjust to eating during that time.

About Occupational Therapy Solutions Los Angeles:

Occupational Therapy Solutions Los Angeles provides various services such as autism feeding therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. We have been committed to helping both, children and adults, be able to do daily activities with no issues. Contact us with any questions. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates!